

We treat systematically and holistically, according to the latest proven methods and with the use of modern orthodontic dental technology.

DAMON™ System Brackets

The Damon system is based on a passive treatment philosophy that goes beyond mere tooth corrections towards a nice, full smile. Already during the conception of the treatment we consider how the patient will look in terms of face, profile and other individual factors as they grow older. In addition, the Damon system uses ligature-free brackets that exert less pressure on the teeth for added comfort.

Overall, the treatment with the Damon system is usually shorter than with conventional brackets. Shorter treatment also means fewer follow-up appointments for patients, and the planned treatment goal is usually achieved faster.


The Bionator is a "functional orthodontic appliance". It is removable, lies loosely in the mouth and acts on both jaws at the same time. An unfavorable and tense-looking bite is visibly improved.

The device corrects both tooth and jaw misalignments and is particularly effective when worn by children and adolescents during growth periods. Even in adults, the Bionator can be used in certain cases; especially with a variety of spine problems.


With Incognito braces, your dental malocclusions can be corrected inconspicuously and permanently - without anyone noticing. How it works? Quite simple: unlike conventional fixed braces, it is fixed on the inside of the teeth instead of on the front of the teeth and is therefore practically invisible from the outside.

This makes Incognito braces ideal for those who, for aesthetic, personal or professional reasons, want to forego the famous "snow chain", but not straight, regular teeth.

Additional Services

We cover a wide range of essential orthodontic services such as retainers, aesthetic correction splints, removable braces and sports protection.

Which services are suitable for you is established after a detailed diagnosis and a subsequent consultation. Only this way can we offer you an individual, perfectly tailored treatment.

Public Healthcare Treatments

In addition to privately insured and self-payers, we also treat cash patients - without additional payment. We cover the services specified by the Dentist Association for Health Insurance Patients.

Are you interested in a treatment? We are always there for you!

Just call or send us an email to make an appointment.
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